Friday, June 27, 2008


Sometimes I wanna live.
Sometimes I wanna die.
Sometimes I smile.
Sometimes I cry.

Sometimes I need.
Sometimes I just try.
Sometimes I believe.
Sometimes I just think it's a lullaby.

Sometimes I go out.
Sometimes I stay.
Sometimes I shout out.
Sometimes I just say.

Sometimes I do.
Sometimes I don't.
Sometimes I know that
Sometimes I won't.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

It's not for eternity

I wonder if that is for eternity. I know it's not, so why does it have an end?

There are moments that keep acting for a long time in our lives. These moments have an end, but when? This, we never know. We think we know, but actually, we do think they are forever; and they are not.

Why not? Because moments like these just exist for making us to reflex about who we are, what do we do, where we are, when we want. These moments are essential for our evolution. Yes, they help us a lot. Maybe now, we can't understand why are we passing through them, but after, we'll see how much we grew up, how much we learned.

And if you think that you can't stand, just remember that if you really want, you really can.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The first one

So here it is: my first post. Actually, I don't know what I'm going to post here. Once, I had a blog, called "beau et laid" - beautiful and ugly, in French - I used to write some reflexions, critical texts. I really don't like writing about my life. Yes, most of the reflexions are about my life, what I'm passing through, but not like a diary.

Why this title?
I'm reading a book called "The Tao of Physics", Fritjof Capra. The version I'm reading is in Portuguese, and there's a note saying that the translators couldn't find a word to express suchness. It's difficult to translate it, isn't it? So, I liked and I decided to get this word to my blog's title.

That's all for this first post.
See you later! =)