Thursday, June 5, 2008

The first one

So here it is: my first post. Actually, I don't know what I'm going to post here. Once, I had a blog, called "beau et laid" - beautiful and ugly, in French - I used to write some reflexions, critical texts. I really don't like writing about my life. Yes, most of the reflexions are about my life, what I'm passing through, but not like a diary.

Why this title?
I'm reading a book called "The Tao of Physics", Fritjof Capra. The version I'm reading is in Portuguese, and there's a note saying that the translators couldn't find a word to express suchness. It's difficult to translate it, isn't it? So, I liked and I decided to get this word to my blog's title.

That's all for this first post.
See you later! =)


Anonymous said...

The First Comment

So, nothings to declare.


Ariadne said...

Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee \o/

Pronto, Marvin, um comentário meu como você queria xD~